Halloween Makeup

Halloween is right around the “spooky” corner! I have been running around the apartment in my costume every day since I got it, eagerly awaiting my school party and Trick or Treating.
Halloween is my favorite holiday. Believe it or not, it’s not even about the candy! I think it is awesome to see everyone bring their imaginations to life! For a few hours, we all get to be exactly who and what we want to be. Forget responsibility! For one day each year we all get to live among the Lost Boys in our own versions of Neverland!
From now until Halloween I am going to feature kool, creative Halloween trends and themes.
Speaking of creative, check out the collage at the top of the blog. Wouldn’t you love to rock amazing make up like this for Halloween? Anthony is a talented artist with so much passion that it comes through vividly in each of his characters. He is unrecognizable! Look at the detailed work in each picture up close!
Since I can barely draw stick figures, I’m in awe!
For more great looks and creative inspiration follow itsant619 on instagram! I’m following and I can’t wait to see “Who” comes next!