Hello Kitty

It’s Wednesday and that finds us in Singapore. Not really, but I am wishing we were in Singapore!
This week McDonald’s Singapore is selling a limited edition of plush Hello Kitty toys to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the adorable little cat. Hello Kitty is so popular in Singapore that prior promotions in 2000 and 2013 caused McDonald’s mayhem. Fights broke out and people were hurt. This time McDonald’s is even selling the cute feline online to avoid disaster.
The set includes 6 plush “Kitties” dressed as other popular Sanrio characters. There is a “Penguin Kitty” named Tuxedo Sam and even a “My Melody Kitty”! The set costs $64 U.S. and comes with 6 extra value meal vouchers.
In case you were wondering, Hello Kitty actually has a name. Kitty White! Who knew she had a name? Kitty White was born in the suburbs of London and her birthday is November 1. Kitty shares her birthday with her twin sister Mimmy. Kitty was introduced in Japan in 1974 and in the U.S. in 1976.
My Mom was my age in 1976 and remembers going to the mall with my Aunt Lisa to try to get their hands on anything Kitty. Stickers, school supplies and hair clips were the best Kitty loot available then. Today you can get almost anything with Kitty plastered on it. There’s even a Sanrio Store in Times Square! Since I can’t get to Singapore, maybe I’ll convince the parents to walk me over to 42nd Street to see some Kitty merchandise in person. Actually, I just remembered that McDonald’s is still including Skylander Giants toys in Happy Meals here in NYC. All I need is $2.00 to buy the toy. (Sorry Micky D’s but Mom really does not like when I eat your food). $2.00 is more in line with my allowance than $60 + a flight to Singapore anyway.