Motivating kids to turn the pages

Motivating kids to turn the pages is tough! I bet you swore at the end of the school year (like I did) that you would keep the kids reading regularly. You envisioned lazy days lounging around with Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and Captain UnderPants. Then…poof! June, July gone in a flash! How did that happen?
Here we are in the middle of August and many of you are back to school already. We don’t go back until after Labor Day. This schedule gives us a little more time to squeeze in those last fun books.
Did you know that studies show kids can slip as many as two reading levels over the summer if they don’t read regularly? For this reason Barnes and Noble is once again offering a free book to all kids who read eight books over the summer.
Here’s the best news. The kids have until September 5th to bring in their completed journal and pick out any age appropriate book. If your kids are still on summer break there are still a few weeks to get in some exciting and fun summer picks. If your kids are back to school they can count their class assigned books towards their goal. Either way the kids are reading and that is what I call winning!

KidC’s working on filling out his journal!