Night at the Museum 3 Secret of the Tomb

It’s no secret how much I enjoy the Night at the Museum movies. I went to see the third movie Secret of the Tomb during Christmas break and it did not disappoint! I thought the movie was better than the second film but not quite as entertaining as the original. It was fun, action packed and sassy. The new characters are great. I especially liked Sir Lancelot. Without giving anything away, it tied up the trilogy nicely and if you are a fan of the series you will appreciate the ending. I also happened to catch my Mom with tears in her eyes during the Teddy Roosevelt storyline.
I am also obsessed with going to the Museum of Natural History here in NYC. We have a family membership and I am more than happy to go every chance I get. I wanted to share these pictures with you of the Akeley Hall of African Mammals. The only things I love better than movies are animals so I could move into the museum and live a very happy life. If you get the chance to come see the museum you will not be disappointed! You can spend days there and not see everything so make sure you block out a large chunk of time to explore. The African mammal hall showcases 28 habitat dioramas. My favorite diorama is the Lion savannah. Which is yours?