Pluffle Playfoam- Win Your Favorite Color

Pluffle is the stuff you never knew you needed. You need it so much that I am giving away two tubes of it. Read on to see how to win your favorite color tube.

Yellow Playfoam Pluffle
If you have never heard of Pluffle you are in for a treat. I don’t know what its made of, I don’t care! It’s pure magical fun in a tube. The sparkly magic fluff sits on my desk at work and is the deconstructed stress ball I need in my life. I swear there are many days I would tell my co-workers exactly where to go if I didn’t have a handful of this stuff sitting at the ready.
The good news on the street is that the “Squishologists” at the Playfoam Wacky Workshop have formulated this mesmerizing, mixable, can’t-resistable, feel-good sparkly fluffly stuff so that it never dries out! This means that once you win a tube, you will have it forever.
Check out Playfoam Pluffle In Action:
Enter To Win Your Own Tube Of Pluffle:
I’m giving away two tubes of Pluffle on separate Rafflecopter forms so that I can randomly pick the two winners. You can Enter both and if the odds are in your favor maybe lightning strikes twice and you win both tubes. Good luck!
One of my lucky readers can win by following the directions on the Rafflecopter below:
Contest runs through 12/24/19
Another lucky reader can win by following the directions on the Rafflecopter below:
Contest runs through 12/28/19
**Disclosure- Open to U.S. Residents 18 and over. Winner must provide their name and email address in order to be notified.. If winner does not respond within 24 hours an alternate will be chosen. Contest #1 runs through 12/24/19. Contest #2 runs through 12/28/19.
Here’s a peek at my Holiday Picks for the Young at Heart featuring Pluffle.
You can share the love and buy your friends their own fab sparkly stuff or the original Playfoam via my Amazon affiliate links below. I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC associates program. If you buy something via this link there is no cost to you and it helps me continue to run Kid Congeniality.