Presidents’ Day From A Kid’s Perspective

Presidents’ Day is unique to the United States. I like to celebrate it because it makes us the US…A!
We visited the National Mall in Washington DC for spring break a few years ago. I couldn’t believe how big the monuments are. The statues are so much larger than life! I kept trying to jump up into the pictures my Mom was taking of the Lincoln Memorial. I don’t know why but I just wanted to see myself next to this giant of a man.
It was so crowded that day, my Mom didn’t realize that I was trying to get in the photos. When we got home she discovered tons of photos of President Lincoln with half of my head in the bottom corner. The photo bombs are pretty funny because you see my hair, sometimes a head, a single arm or an eye. It does not matter, we love these photos and laugh whenever we look at them. My Mom says that they are an example of my tenacity and hilarious nature.
On Presidents’ Day we celebrate the men who have shaped and protected our nation through both good and bad times. Next year (2017) we may be celebrating with a woman President in office. Maybe, maybe not. Maybe our President will be a billionaire with funny hair or the guy who looks like everyone’s grandfather. Some Presidents have been loved, while others…not so much. Some people argue that President’s Day should be more about Washington and Lincoln than the other Presidents. Why not include them all? After all, my teachers always say that we should include everyone in on the fun.
We celebrate Presidents’ Day like we celebrate everything else in our country with a lot of diversity and a little controversy. It’s what makes us US…A!