Send A Halloween Joke To St. Jude Kids For Free

St. Jude Children’s Hospital is celebrating Halloween with the kids and we are all invited to participate.
This Halloween, St. Jude Children’s Hospital is sending their patients funny jokes along with kind words of encouragement. You are invited to send in funny or silly jokes because your message can provide a smile and hope to them during their difficult time. If there is one thing that will make you feel good its putting a smile on a child’s face. A quick, simple note such as… What do ghosts serve for dessert? will always bring a very big smile to a child’s face especially when the answer is Ice scream!
How Do I Send St. Jude Patients A Halloween Joke?:
Sending the kids a message is easy and free.
- Pick a Halloween-themed card inspired by patient artwork.
- Choose a pre-written joke, or add a personal joke or message.
- We’ll share it with the families of St. Jude.
The best part is that the cards available to choose from are inspired by the kids’ artwork. You can use a pre-set joke or you can make up your own like mine:
Why did the tissue dance across the table? Because it had a little BOOgie in it! Corny? Maybe but I bet I made you smile a BOOtifully!
Send a free note…get a big smile in return. I’d say those dividends are priceless.
A message from St. Jude Children’s Hospital:
Thank you for spreading the spirit of Halloween to the kids of St. Jude and their families. Because of friends like you, families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing or food — because all a family should worry about is helping their child live.
**Disclosure- I receive emails from past donations to St. Jude Children’s Hospital and I acquired the information for this article from their promotional email. The photos are my own with the exception of the artwork which I have duly noted.