Silverback and Son Book Review

Silverback and Son is the colorful, fun new picture book by author-illustrator Michael P. Maloney. Read on to see how you can win your very own autographed copy of this beautifully crafted story.
Silverback and Son Non Spoiler Review:
The engaging children’s picture book follows a fun discussion between an imaginative young gorilla and his supportive dad. When Silverback asks his son Bubbz, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Bubbz begins to ponder the possibilities. Perhaps an astronaut? Maybe a race car driver, or a D.J.? A firefighter is top of the list for sure! The possibilities are endless and the future is bright for this young silverback. Dad is supportive and extremely patient while encouraging his son’s imagination to open up worlds of amazing adventures.
Silverback and Son was inspired by the many moments Maloney has spent pondering the future with his own children through the years. Maloney began keeping an ever changing list of what his son Roman wants to be when he grows up and Silverback and Son was born.
At the end of the day, Bubbz’s “career” choice is simply perfect but I am not going to spoil the reveal for you. You are going to have to read Silverback and Son to find out exactly what Bubbz’s ultimate dream is! In case you are wondering, Roman is still undecided about what he wants to be when he grows up. Right now he’d like to be a police officer. Big sister Chayse wants to care for animals as a veterinarian while practicing law. No matter what these future super stars decide, you can be certain they will always share the same big, special goal with Bubbz.
Silverback and Son is written for young children up to 3rd-grade level. This inspirational read is sure to be a bed time favorite for many years. We will be giving away a personally autographed copy of this beautifully illustrated book to one of our readers soon so check back in a few days to enter to win.
About The Author:
Michael P. Maloney was born and raised in the Bronx . He is currently residing in New Jersey with his wife and two children. After spending his career, hiring artists, as a creative director in the advertising industry, Michael decided to pursue his true love by becoming an artist himself. Michael Maloney also illustrated the children’s book Siennas Rainbow.
For more information about Silverback and Son, check out the website –> HERE <–Silverback and Son is available in paperback and eBook on Amazon and in hardcover at Barnes and Noble.
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