Soul Riders Adventure Book Series

Soul Riders is a tween aged fantasy book series based on the successful Star Stable game. The adventures written by Helena Dahlgren revolve around friendship, horses and magic.
The Soul Riders series tells the story of four young girls known as the Soul Riders (Anne, Lisa, Alex and Linda.) Destiny chooses riders to join the special sisterhood and embark on a dangerous adventure to save the world. The books emphasize the struggle between light and dark, good and bad. Can the Soul Riders succeed against an ancient evil being who wields great dark power? No spoilers here!
The first two books in the series, Jorvik Calling and The Legend Awakens are the stuff that tween girls’ dreams are made of. After all, who doesn’t crave adventure, friendship and a loyal pet-companion who truly gets you? The Soul Riders books promote sisterhood and show that every girl can be a hero in her own way.
If you are looking for a new book for the kids to enjoy over winter break Soul Riders: Jorvik Calling is one that will start a grand adventure and open new worlds to the imagination. The games add another facet to the magical world ensuring endless hours of fun. After reading the books to review I gave them to my niece. She devoured Jorvik Calling, is about to start The Legend Awakens and can’t wait for the third book in the trilogy.

Courtesy of Star Stable Entertainment
Publisher Synopsis:
Soul Riders: Jorvik Calling:
- When Lisa and her dad arrive on the mysterious island of Jorvik, she finds herself in a new city and at a new school trying to make new friends. This isn’t the first time Lisa’s moved because of her father’s work, but this time it’s without her mom. She died in a riding accident, and Lisa hasn’t gone near a horse since it happened. Despite her fears, it’s not long before Lisa is drawn to the stables, where she meets Starshine, a blue-maned steed with whom she shares a special bond. Alongside fellow riders Alex, Linda, and Anne, Lisa learns she has a secret destiny. However, will the Soul Riders be able to come together as a team before it’s too late?
MSRP $8.99 Ages 9-14, 192 pages
Soul Riders: The Legend Awakens:
- According to ancient myths, when the Soul Riders and their horses are gathered together, they will be able to defeat the evil that threatens the island. With Lisa’s horse, Starshine stolen and her father disappeared, there’s no time to think about old stories. Together with Alex and Linda, Lisa embarks on a dangerous journey, while Anne finds herself on a separate path, lost in the mystical dimension of Pandoria. There darkness lurks and fills her with doubt. Will the four Soul Riders reunite and discover that they’re most powerful together?
MSRP $8.99 Ages 9-14, 256 pages
About Star Stable Entertainment:
Star Stable online is a multi-player, immersive adventure game appealing to tween and teen girls. Users explore a magical world on horseback and complete quests while sharing an amazing gaming experience with friends.
Star Stable is the #1 horse game in the world. 1.4 million players are actively gaming and caring for one of over 300 three-dimensional horses every month.
Star Stable Entertainment is a global cross- channel media company creating content that caters to the creative mind and adventurous soul.
**Disclosure- I was provided a copy of Soul Riders to review. As usual all reviews printed in Kid Congeniality are my own, honest and true.