Star Trek Exhibit at The Paley Center in NYC

Trekkies get ready… the USS Enterprise is coming to New York City! The Paley Center for Media is ready to boldly take you where no man has gone before! Are you ready to experience their new exhibit, The Visionary Universe of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds?
The new immersive exhibition celebrates the latest incarnation of the Star Trek franchise Star Trek:Strange New Worlds which premieres on May 5th exclusively on Paramount+
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Details:
The Visionary Universe of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds opens to the public Wednesday, April 27th through Sunday, May 29th. The out of this world celebration is sure to thrill Trekkies. This special trip to the final frontier includes Starfleet and Vulcan uniforms as well as the chance to take photos in the Captain’s chair! It is highly illogical that anyone would not want to do attend this event. Other surprises include additional set pieces, artifacts from several series and artwork. Throughout the celebration, the Paley Center will host special screenings including weekend kids and family programs.

Graphic provided by The Paley Center for Media
In addition, The Paley Center will be holding a preview screening of Episodes 1 and 2 of Paramount+s Strange New Worlds on May 1st at 1pm. Be among the first to experience the newest series in the iconic franchise before it even premieres.
Live Long and Prosper my friends and go sit in the Captain’s Chair at the Paley Center…after all happiness breeds longevity.