Suburban Wednesday!

It’s Wednesday and this week I am at my favorite destination of every summer. I am at my Aunt & Uncle’s house!
For the past few years I have been spending my last week of summer at “Camp Lulu” (my Aunt’s nickname) as we jokingly call it.  It’s the bridge week after camp ends and before school starts. It is the week I look most forward to all year. I get to wind down from a terrific summer at camp and hang out with my cousins and their dogs. We play in the pool, pick vegetables from the garden and go on endless suburban adventures! A slew of relatives and neighbors who live near by come to hang out with me and I love, love, love every minute of it.
I get excited to take pictures and tag my parents on Facebook and Instagram. They are at work this week so I like to brag that I am having all the fun hanging out with all “my people!”  I know I’m a rascal but it really cracks me up when my Mom crinkles her nose, frowns and says she wants to be me…haha! Which reminds me why I will always treasure this special time with my family. Growing up is going to be awesome, but it comes with responsibilities. Going to work is like going to school forever!
So for the rest of this week I am going to soak in the sun and have lots of fun. I am going to remember the feeling of leisurely eating breakfast with nowhere to run to afterwards. I’ll play with my Skylander Giants on the deck and lounge around dreamily with the dogs. I’ll swim in the pool and wait patiently until cousin CJ gets a little older and can swim without a float. I’ll hunt bugs in the grass and shoot hockey pucks on the driveway with my cousin Paulie. I’ll soak in all the memories so that whenever I want a warm little taste of summer it will always be here for me.