Superman in New York City

We recently watched Superman with Christopher Reeve as a family. The KID loved it.

Photo Property of Warner Brothers Films.
After the Avengers movies I wasn’t sure how he would react to an older, dare I say more dated film. My husband had a feeling he would like it because of the New York City connection. He was excited to see Clark Kent walking the streets that he frequents on a daily basis. We decided to take him to the News building which is at the heart of the film.
The KID’s Take on Superman in NYC:
My parents surprised me and my friend and took us to explore the News Building on 42nd Street. I was hoping for a man of steel sighting but I saw a lot of terrific memorabilia and learned a lot about New York City instead. I really think New York City schools should take class trips to The News Building. It’s free and also loaded with interesting, fun facts.

Looking for Superman in New York City- KidCongeniality
The News Building:
The News building is also known as the “Daily News Building” because New York’s “hometown paper” used to be headquartered there. The building is more popularly known as the home of the “Daily Planet” where Clark Kent works. Christopher Reeve went to work there as Clark in Superman The Movie in 1978. The actual building is a beautiful art deco design by Raymond Hood. It was designated a National historical land mark in 1989. Our Local NY TV station WPIX has been in the building since 1948 and is still there today.
The lobby of the building houses the world’s largest indoor globe. It is amazing! If you are in New York City you should stop by for a few minutes. It’s a little off the beaten path but is worth it if you are a super hero movie fan.
And, you guessed it… I couldn’t resist running around in the revolving doors like Superman but the door man chased me out! He was watching over the globe in the photo above just waiting for me to make my move! I wonder how he knew?

Channeling Superman- KidCongeniality