Secondhand Dogs by Carolyn Crimi is a sweet tale that is full of life lessons for all. Whether your family has a “FUR-ever” companion or just loves to admire neighborhood pups from afar this book will touch your hearts. Secondhand Dogs Publisher Synopsis: Miss Lottie’s home is for second chances. She adopted Gus, Roo, Tank, and…
Already a Butterfly is an inspiring picture book that sweetly introduces young readers to the practices of meditation and mindfulness. Written by award-winning author Julia Alvarez and beautifully illustrated by artist Raul Colon, Already a Butterfly is the perfect book to read in celebration of World Meditation Day on May 21st. Already a Butterfly Review: Mari…
Are you ready to find the L.O.L. Surprise!? Easter is here and it’s time to go on a hip, exciting hunt for some fabulous hidden bling. The L.O.L. Easter Egg Hunt activity book comes with an exclusive Easter Egg shaped spyglass! It is specially designed to take your kids on an inquisitive adventure.The mission is to…
Soul Riders is a tween aged fantasy book series based on the successful Star Stable game. The adventures written by Helena Dahlgren revolve around friendship, horses and magic. The Soul Riders series tells the story of four young girls known as the Soul Riders (Anne, Lisa, Alex and Linda.) Destiny chooses riders to join the…
Multicultural Children’s Book Day is January 25, 2019! The mission of MCBD is to bring awareness to diverse children’s books. It would be wonderful to get more multicultural books into schools and libraries. All children should be able to see themselves reflected in the books that they are reading. Multicultural Book Day Co-creators Valarie Budayr…
Have you ever thought about teaching your child meditation? I never thought about it before this past school year. A teacher introduced my son to mindfulness and breathing exercises for concentration purposes. We started with some breathing exercises to calm my son’s mind before bed time. We tried a bedtime routine but it never resonated…
Mother. No other word rolls off the human tongue with such feeling. Do you call her Mom, Mommy, Mama, Madre? The emotions evoked by the word transcend language and are comparable to none. The beauty of the American melting pot is that we celebrate mothers from all walks of life. Meredith Hale’s book American Mom:…
Flip N Check activity books are my son Logan’s new obsession. I am thrilled because they give him a break from electronic games. There is nothing like a good, old fashioned book to stimulate the brain and these come with a twist! The Flip N Check Concept: Flip N Check books are a new way…
Our friends at Picturing Disney know everything about Disney! Picturing Disney is a photo blog dedicated to the magic of Disney. You can find all sorts of good stuff on their site at They are here to bring us a special guest book review of Wish by Matthew Cordell. WISH is from Disney Publishing, I read…
Reading is a top priority in my house. My parents are avid readers and my Dad loves to write. For Christmas one year, my Dad gave Mom a Kindle so she could get rid of the piles of books she keeps around. Now a Kindle full of e-books sits on top of the stack of…