Teach Your Child Meditation The Easy Way

Have you ever thought about teaching your child meditation? I never thought about it before this past school year.
A teacher introduced my son to mindfulness and breathing exercises for concentration purposes. We started with some breathing exercises to calm my son’s mind before bed time. We tried a bedtime routine but it never resonated with either of us. My son would start deep breathing and fall asleep from boredom. Meditations isn’t exactly exciting for a ten-year old.
Around the same time I received a copy of the book Teach Your Child Meditation by Lisa Roberts to review in early spring. I started reading it and the presentation of the exercises seemed so much simpler and more interesting than what we had been doing. I began enjoying the book and started to think that we would try meditating again. Then, as luck would have it I desperately needed to put the book’s exercises into action.
I had an unfortunate health incident occur on the Fourth of July. It resulted with me being carted away by ambulance while my already anxious boy watched in tears. Luckily I am fine now, but my son’s anxiety has stuck around. He has nightmares, he keeps coming into our bed overnight and he gets nervous when he is away from me. These are all understandable reactions to a traumatic event but I was hoping that once he saw I was ok he would go back to his happy-go-lucky persona. Since that didn’t happen we began nightly sessions with “Teach Your Child Meditation.”
Lisa Roberts does a nice job breaking down the different types of meditative devices that are available. Her simple presentation through engaging games and illustrations make the act of meditating feel like a game.

Belly Breaths
The book is broken down into five engaging sections:
- I’m the Boss of My Breath
- Hocus Pocus, I Can Focus
- Stress Busters and Energy Equalizers
- The Chill Zone
- Connect
Within each section you will find mini lessons with adorable illustrations:

Side Breathing
The meditation instructions are broken down into fun activities such as:
- Belly Breathing
- Ocean Breathing
- Taco Tongue
- Snow Globe Meditation
- Air Soccer
- Magic Carpet Ride
Teach Your Child Meditation has 70 fun and easy ways to help kids de-stress. The book is appropriate for children aged 5-12 but I have to say that this book was helpful for me as well. Even as an adult I could never sit still to meditate before learning some of these cute tips. Thanks to Lisa Roberts I might actually kick stress in the pants once and for all!
From The Publisher
Teach Your Child Meditation by Lisa Roberts
192 Pages
Published 6/5/18
Lisa Roberts is a registered yoga teacher and registered children’s yoga teacher. She holds a certificate in children’s yoga therapy. She has worked in the pediatric wellness field since 2006 and currently runs the inpatient yoga program at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. Lisa offers professional training teaching Kids Adaptive and Accessible Yoga for pediatric professionals, parents and yoga teachers. In addition to Teach Your Child Meditation, she has developed a line of teaching tools for pediatric yoga teachers, parents and kids.
*A copy of Teach Your Child Meditation was provided for me to review. All opinions stated here are true and unbiased.*
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