The Toy Insider’s Sweet Suite At Home 2021

The Toy Insider’s Sweet Suite at Home 2021 was “FUNtastic” from home for the second year in a row. It took place on July 14th and now it’s time to get your Christmas In July lists ready.
I look forward to Sweet Suite every year. It’s the day I get to be a big KID and play with every toy I can get my hands on. I was disappointed when the “in person” fun was canceled in 2020 but The Toy Insider rose to the occasion and reinvented the wheel. The virtual event was such a success we did it again this year and I’m bringing you some of my favorite finds.
**Disclosure: I attended The Toy Insider’s Sweet Suite at Home as a member of the media. I received a box of toy samples for my participation. I featured some sample items in this article. Many other featured toys were not included in the sample box. My opinions are honest and based on the toys I think will resonate with kids this coming year. All photos are my own or provided by the manufacturer.
About Sweet Suite at Home:
Sweet Suite is a toy show held every summer in New York City. It’s an event where the top toy makers and reviewers get to spend time talking and sampling the fun toys on the horizon. When Covid-19 threw the world a curve ball in 2020, The Toy Insider’s fabulous group saved the day. An innovative, virtual version of the show was born. In person smiles were replaced with Zoom meetings, live unboxing events, contests, photo booths and more! The event was such a success the Toy Insider has done it again. Thanks Toy Insider for being the most trusted go-to resource on toys and children’s entertainment.
Hot New Toys From The Toy Insider’s Sweet Suite at Home 2021:
Crafts, Games, Stem and More:
- Beat That! Game- Gutter Games (available now) a hilarious party game for kids ages 9-99! Win points by competing in 160 ridiculously fun and unique challenges!
- Charaction Cubes- Bandai (available now with new characters on the way!) Rubik’s fans are going to love this new take on the most famous puzzle in the world! Collectors will swoon over the hot pop culture characters that are now a unique collectible puzzle ready for play or display!
- 5 Second Rule, Disney – PlayMonster (coming soon) Think fast! It’s time to name 3 Disney themed items on a card in 5 seconds. Have a magical Disney family night with lots of laughs guaranteed.
- Got2Glow Fairy Finder- WowWee Toys- (available now) The Got2Glow Fairy Finder jar is available in three different colors (pink, blue and fuchsia glow-in-the dark). Each has over 30 unique fairies to find per jar. There are 100+ fairies to find in total. Open the lid on your Fairy Finder and watch as a fairy light show leads your virtual fairy home.
- Pokemon 25th Anniversary Edition Trading Card Game, Pokemon- (10/8/21) 9 different celebration products showcasing beloved characters from the Pokémon franchise are coming! Other popular card artwork and gameplay mechanics spanning the history of the Pokémon TCG are also included in the collection.
Grab Some Snacks Because There’s More:
- Snapsies GEMS- FUNKO (coming soon) All new characters and accessories are coming so you can customize figures and create thousands of unique combinations. Series 2 hits shelves on 8/1 and GEMS will be available on 10/1.
- Snapships- PlayMonster (available now) Snapships is a modular building system for creating multiple action play crafts. All pieces and sets are interchangeable, so there’s no limit on your kid’s imagination.
- Spirograph Animator- PlayMonster (available now) The Spirograph Animator features the original’s classic gears, but the addition of spinning and lights creates a memorizing 3D effect that brings designs to the next level. This deluxe studio set features bonus built-in storage, 6 gears and 5 markers.
- Pixicade – BitOGenius- (available now) Magically turn your drawings into amazing playable mobile video games with Pixicade.
- Artie Max- Educational Insights (available now) Artie Max brings code to life for beginners with colorful works of art! Artie Max draws in 6 major coding languages that kids can learn. Get coding within minutes by connecting their WIFI device securely and directly to Artie Max – no internet needed
Dolls, Dolls, Dolls:
Because I have always been a doll collector (yes I still have my original Cabbage Patch Kids) I’m going on record that I want each and every one of these cuties under my Christmas tree.
- Glo-Up Girls- Far Out Toys– (August 2021) 25+ surprises and a face mask come with every doll! Self-care, spa play, manicures and self care all Glo you up!
- Hermione Doll- Wizarding World & SpinMaster (Fall 2021) Hermione makes an adorable doll. What’s even better? Harry, Luna and Cho are also joining Hermione complete with Hogwarts uniforms, accessories and wands!
- LOL Tweens Dolls- LOL Surprise (avaliable now) Their website says it perfectly: They are in beTWEEN LOL Surprise dolls and OMG fashion dolls shop now!
- Vibe Girls- Jay@Play (available now) These 6 fashion dolls are vibrant, inspiring, be(YOU)tiful and empowering. Take some home and change the world by sharing good vibes, kindness, positivity and love.
- Rainbow High Color Changing Car- MGA Entertainment (coming soon) How can I trade in my beat up SUV for one of these hot cars?
Pets and Plushies:
- Scruff-a -Luvs Cutie Cuts- Moose Toys (August 2021) Your Scruff-a-Luvs arrives scruffed up but you get to pamper and transform your pup. Unfold the box to create a Beauty Salon with 10 surprises!
- Resoftables- Headstart (available now) Made from 100% household plastic waste (11 plastic bottles each!), these adorable plushies will be your new BFFs.
- Cats v Pickles Mystery Bags- Cepia (Fall 2021) Cats are afraid of pickles but pickles are misunderstood., they just want to be friends. These bind bags based on the game with a message are a viral sensation on Tik-Tok. New holiday collection and purple mystery bags coming soon.
- NeeDoh Cool Cats- Schylling (available now) We all need another fidget toy after working remotely for over a year! These cool cats are squishable and totally soothe your nerves. A non- toxic dough-like compound fills each Cool Cat and always returns to its original shape.
- Present Pets Princess Pets- Spinmaster (Fall 2021) Spoil your new princess pet who is so excited to meet you she unboxes herself!
- Disney Junior Minnie Mouse Roller-Skating Party Minnie Mouse – Just Play (available now) Minnie Mouse sings, talks and hold hands with her pandal pal as they skate, spin and conga together!
And because you need a fabulous tote bag to carry all the toys and books from The Toy Insider’s recommendations…Chalk of The Town has you covered! This tote turns heads wherever I bring it!
Looking forward to The Toy insider’s Sweet Suite 2022. Hope to see everyone in person next year.