Kid Congeniality’s Top Ten Stylish Christmas Pets of 2017

The top wish on Kid Congeniality’s Christmas list every year is a dog. If I had a dollar for every time I heard the phrase “everyone has a dog but me” I’d be rich. Logan may be the one pushing for a dog but honestly, our entire family admires the love between our friends, family and their pets.
To foster Logan’s love of dogs and to temper any disappointment he might have about not having a dog of his own we started our Top Ten Christmas Dogs list. Logan scanned Facebook every night with me after he finished his homework. We looked at all of the dogs that were dressed up for the holidays. Our friends and family list is full of dog lovers so the cuties were easy to find. We asked everyone if we could feature their pups on our Kid Congeniality social media pages. Logan had so much fun every evening that it became a fun nighttime ritual and an Instagram hit!
This year we had a few friends seek us out to say that they would love to participate but their pet wasn’t a dog. That was ok with Logan! A new list was born!
Last years Top Dogs:
Presenting Kid Congeniality’s Top Ten Stylish Christmas Pets of 2017:
Sammy and Luca-
This sibling pair gets the honor of being our first cats to appear in the Top 10. They live in upstate NY and make a sweet Santa/Reindeer combo,

Sammy & Luca

Lucky’s mom is a beautiful friend of ours and is Lucky to have this sweet little Santa baby to love all year-long!

The Easter bunny would be jealous of little Pepper’s fashionable Christmas spirit!
Sweet Milo has the eyes of an angel He is in heaven now but his Mom fondly remembers all the memories they made through the years and wanted to share him with us. She loves pets and has her own pet loving blog!

Luke, Luna, & Linus–
These cuties won our hearts with their Jedi spirit! Even Luke Skywalker could not refuse training these little padawans.

Luke, Luna and Linus
As warm as sunshine, Maui warmed everyone’s heart with her imitation of Rudolf leading Santa’s sleigh. Maui gets a special shout out for having our biggest amount of Facebook admirers!

Introducing our Top Stylish Christmas Pet:
Don’t you love this face? Our instagram followers certainly do! Congrats Baxter on all of your votes! You and your happy Dad will be receiving a fun gift from us shortly!

One of the things we do to foster Logan’s love of dogs is to stop by our local doggy daycare. Logan likes to admire the “students” and watch them play. Another fun activity Logan participates in is reading to therapy dogs at our local library. As a result we participated in a fun photo shoot with Big Barker Dog recently. We can’t wait to show you the fun we had in an upcoming post.