DreamWorks She-Ra: Now Streaming

DreamWorks “She-Ra and The Princesses of Power” is now streaming on Netflix!  Have you been watching?

She-Ra on Netflix


She-Ra is  a story of magic, friendship, loyalty, and an epic battle for peace. The extremely popular ’80s series “She-Ra Princess of Power” inspired this new adventure!  She-Ra and the Princesses of Power tells the story of Adora an orphan girl. When Adora discovers a magic sword, she leaves behind her former life in the evil Horde. The sword transforms her into the mythical warrior princess She-Ra!

Women are at the forefront of this modern take on the Princess of Power. She-Ra’s new family is a group of magical princesses.  The princesses rebel and as a result become part of the ultimate fight against evil.  Audiences everywhere will surely be empowered by all the indomitable female characters.

Glimmer, Bow and Adora

The official series trailer will certainly get you excited to begin watching the series:

We’ve got more She-Ra here –> She-Ra

13 episodes of She-Ra are streaming now, exclusively on Netflix!