Sora’s Seashells

Sora’s Seashells by Helena Ku Rhee is a diverse and poignant picture book. It is packed with lessons that we all can benefit from.

Sora’s Seashells Synopsis:

Every summer, when Sora’s Halmoni (grandmother), visits from South Korea, they take the bus to the beach to search for seashells. While Sora likes to take all of them back with her, Halmoni always leaves the prettiest shell for someone else to find and treasure. As summer ends, Halmoni returns home and Sora starts kindergarten. Some of the kids tease Sora about her “weird” name. When Sora’s parents receive a sad call about her grandmother, Sora feels more lost than ever about who she is and how she fits in. But when her parents reveal the origin of her name, Sora channels a newfound pride. You’ll have to read the book to find out what happens next!  Kid Congeniality is a non-spoiler reviewer. But, trust me, Sora’s Seashells speaks to the power of kindness. Sora’s story resonates, especially with anyone who feels different.

Our Review:

Have you ever been treated like you don’t belong? Sora’s story is one we all can relate to. Growing up everyone has those moments where they feel out of place, Sora tells her parents she wishes her name was “Sara” because kids in her class are teasing her. I am sure most readers can remember one moment in their life where they were ill treated by their peers.

There are many layers to this heartwarming story. It illustrates the importance of diversity and kindness in this world. The book also deals with loss and grief in a genuine yet gentle manner.  The love of family and the idea of giving gifts from the heart are beautifully brought across in this tale. Couple the beautiful words with Stella Lim’s dreamy water color illustrations and the story pops to life. The drawings are a wonder to behold that is…if you have a dry eye left to see by the end of this touching story.  I didn’t.

You can purchase this book at Amazon and other major book retailers.

**Disclosure: This review article contains an Amazon affiliate link for your shopping convenience.


  • ‘Publisher : ‎ Candlewick (May 9, 2023)
  • 40 pages
  • Recommended Age: 4-7 years
  • Grade Level: Preschool